Wednesday, June 29, 2005


I have used rice. REST<> Compression elevation
cannot run on it, will attempt to cycle and swim but i may be reduced to the stair climber

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

bad for you

knee pain is not good. I have alitlle pain in my left knee sometimes but it seems to feel fine most of the time. We can do this. Stay on target...stay on target.

Knee Pain

It has been 5 days since i tweaked my knee doing the frog kick portion of the breaststroke. It hurts to run, so i will be focusing on biking and swimming for a while. I will continue to ice and will look into getting a brace if it doesnt get better. It doesnt feel serious...but i need to take it easy

Thursday, June 23, 2005

VO2 Max

I have been doing some reading...interval work in the pool will help me increase my VO2 which should make the race easier

anyways, i did 20 solid min in the pool right after work...i am going to take a long jog later tonight, 60 minutes

bad day of training....

well I was having a good swim today. I was 22 minutes into the swim when I got maybe the biggest cramp I have ever had in my left calf. Hurt so bad I was yelling under water. I finally got it stretched out and tried to continue but it was to late for me. The cramp would return if I tried anymore. I hope that things like this are not normal. :(

Sad Turtle.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

exceptional workout

I just finished an exceptional circuit training workout. 45 minutes of nothing but go go go and it was fabulous. I feel like the incredible fact I think I am turning green.

If you think exercise bikes are boring maybe you will stop making excuses and get your ass on the vitus instead of your damn Debo cycle. I aint waiting for you during the Triathalon while you are on Debo cycle...I will be flying by you!!!

Long live the Turtles

sick and training

Yo yo Blog...

It is tough to train and be sick at the same time. I am fighting a sore throat, coughing, and stuffy nose but I am still training. I am switching to swim focused so I can get more work on my swimming. It should be good.

The Tour de' Itallia was good for me. 32 miles on bike then a quarter mile run...legs felt like Jello. Gonna need to train for that transition.

Dan is gay and his fantasy baseball team sucks the fat one.

Turtles Rule!

exercise bikes are boring

i did 3o min exercise bike...i woke up late
then i followed it with a mile jog....i dont think bike to run will the problem

i dont want to fall down like the dude on the gatorade commercial...i better get some gatorade (i prefer orange for long distances)

225.5 this morning

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


had a 32 min run and a full body lift this morning....the lift i notice actually makes my legs feel better after a run

weight is increasing 228

tomorrow long bike, short swim

Sunday, June 19, 2005


The weights...2 rounds of circuit...made me feel better.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

32 miles, debo style

Tour de Italia, 32 miles, then a quarter mile run....the transition sucks....heart rate goes up huge

Friday, June 17, 2005

and on the 7th day

aquaman rested......need the rest.....gearing up for 25 miles in the Tour de Italy(Texas) Debo style

Thursday, June 16, 2005

sore today

I ran 34 minutes today and ran 3.25 miles. My legs were very tired this afternoon. I have my long cycle tomorrow at 80 minutes I think.

Where's the Laser?

Run fast

40 min run on the treadmill this morning
ran almost 4 miles, but did not walk any

pace was between 5.5-6.2 mph

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Aquaman swam 20 of 24 wasnt straight swimming the whole time
swimming needs the most work

bike needs some work....should be ok on the run though

i have a 40 min run in the morning

my schedule is:

mon tue wed thu fri sat sun
off sbike sswim lrun off lswim lbike
weights weights srun

Weights to wait

I have to be at work at 6:00 so the weights will wait. Tonight after work i have my first swim (24 min). By the end of this i may be aquaman. Fight!

I plan on making up the weights on Thursday.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

My run is done

Just got done with my 25 minute run along with about 45 minutes of weights. The run was not bad...go pretty tired towards the end...not really looking forward to the 40 minute run this weekend. My new shoes worked well and I think I may go get another pair just to have as a backup. I got them at DSW show warehouse for 60.

Weights were good and I did a circuit of all upper body today. 3 sets of 15 reps (chest, biceps, triceps, abs, lats, and shoulders). I might throw in some legs alopng the way but I figure my legs will get plenty of training from running, cycling and swimming.

Now I shall have a second breakfast of oatmeal, a protein bar and water.


Cyclying Freak

Just finished my 48 minute cycle...i went actually 46 followed by a 2 min butt hurt some
I was a little late to the gym, but managed to get my minutes in at level 5 on the stationary bike
i will do more next time

still working on the nutrition---post workout meal is a bowl of oatmeal and a chocolately protein shake, mmmmmm good

feel the need for yoga tonight

going to run

I am putting on my new shoes and I am going to run then I am coming back to do some light weights.

Tonight will be a short cycling trip around Valley Ranch.

We need more people here.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Training has begun...

I myself started with my training today with 20 minutes in the pool. Tomorrow will consist of a short run in the AM with my new Adidas shoes and then a short ride in the PM on my Specialized Allez Sport. Should be fun.

Glad we have this blog so we can post our messages. I am sure it will be just like the AFBL message board where the only ones who actually post are Ryan and I. Oh well.

Peace and Humptiness,

June 14th- 1st day of Training

Tomorrow morning...5am kvalheim and I will be starting with a 48 minute bike.
I have chosen the 2x balanced plan and made slight alterations to fit it to my schedule....i will be lifting 2 times per week, following a circuit routine

My weapons of choice

Rio Cali mp3 player with armband (a must if i am going to do this long cardio thing)
Goggles--i need to buy them before my first swim
Reebok Premier Cushioning running shoes
Nike Dry Fit shirts
Performance Bike Triathlon short- ordered
Trek Fuel 90 Mountain Bike, Vitus eventually

and a plan from beginner triathlete .com

My official starting weight is 225 pounds as weighed in the morning

it has begun